Digital Art: Golden Retriever


And my quest to DOG illustrations begins, my plan is to build my portfolio first before opening for commissions. I’m offering FREE illustrations for pet-owners in my area and around the globe (**marketing**). I messaged some active “dogstagram” accounts, and i can do this to honor their babies without charge.

With all of my heart, I enjoyed doing this. it has synthesized my love for dogs and the arts. It feels like I found my niche, and seeing clear my north star as far as art/content is concerned. πŸ™‚ I am praying for this —- i can be PET/DOG-LOVER ARTIST, sounds cool and clear, right?! πŸ•πŸ©πŸ’―πŸΆ .

Happiness should be the ROI of all endeavors. – Gary Vee

❀ mia

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